Wednesday, April 30, 2008

APRIL 2008

I have moved my posts from an old blog to this one and I have moved one month at a time.....I have been blogging far too long to post each one on a separate day. Enjoy the below post for the month mentioned in the tag line.


PAZZLES projects.  These are the projects that would appear on the website if they put them on there.  I think they are saving projects to show at the CHA Summer you'll have to go and see them there or wait for me to post  I got to work with a new CD this time and BASIC GREY's two scoops line.  I really like the DEW DROPS too, I had to go buy more.  They keep sending them to me, but not enough for my own pages...hehe.
I really like how the bag turned out.  The paper is attached to a simple brown paper lunch bag....and ta dah!....a nice gift bag.  It was pretty easy and I can see this done in several different colors and word combos.  But hey, you work with what you get.

Not much else happening here.

SUNDAY, APRIL 13, 2008


Aren't these cute?  We got these adorable dinosaurs in from Sandy Lion and one of the packages had a little Dino with his head missing, so I get to take them home and make samples from the remaining "headed" dinos.  They are pretty stinkin' cute.  I used COSMO CRICKET's new BOY line for the fun colors.  They match the Dinos pretty well.  Not to mention I am in love with the papers. I love my job!
In these I had to test out my NEW embossing folders.  The Paisley set is awesome.  I also got the Floral Fantasy, Birds and Swirls and a Feel Better set.  The feel better set had a coffee cup and three different phrases.  I don't drink coffee, but it's a pretty cute cup.  I used the new BASIC GREY Sultry line for the pink card. And for the "Thinking of you" card I used the square cutting plate from CUTTLEBUG to cut the square of the center of the card and then a small hole punch for the stitching look.   A little coffee ink rubbed over the embossed coffee cup image and I was done.

There were two more cards but I think they need a little more omph before I call them official.  It is fun to just sit and craft for a little while.  Seems like I can complete a card in a short period of time and feel good about getting it done versus doing a page and sitting there for days and days wondering what it needs. 

FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 2008

I forgot

I forgot to mention that I was chosen as the Designer of the Month again at PAZZLES (woohoo for me).  The image from last month is still on the homepage, but the "FREE" image (click the link on the homepage to get there or here) is what they are considering the Design of the Month for April.  

I made 5 more cards today using new BASIC GREY stuff.  


I think you have all seen this

But these are my last projects from PAZZLES that I did (and were featured on HSN last month)  The BLOOM one is actually a freebie from the PAZZLES website (ahem Carolyn!!) that you can download for you machines.  Even a new Inspiration owner.....

My next project (the one for June) is sitting on my desk awaiting assembly, so I should have it ready to ship by Monday.


MY cards

I was cruizin' the net looking for something completely different and I ended up at a website with some CUTTLEBUG inspiration!  Sue Nelson had some really pretty monocromatic cards using the embossing folders and the Scor-it thing-a-ma-jig.  I really went to town with some cards after seeing her pretty cards.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 2008 want to see some pages?

My favorite page....using Fancy cool!  Well, there is a little Scenic Route, Noteworthy, Queen & Co and American Craft Vinyl it!

The My Minds Eye page.  Almost all of the product is My Minds Eye 29th Street Market papers and embellies, plus some Teresa Collins goodies!

We have been getting in such awesome stuff at the store.  It's too hard to pick just one thing to buy and work with (luckily I don't have