Friday, August 31, 2007

August 2007

I have moved my posts from an old blog to this one and I have moved one month at a time.....I have been blogging far too long to post each one on a separate day. Enjoy the below post for the month mentioned in the tag line.

More creating

So I got a few more things done for a card kit at work. Keeping it simple but still fun. At least I am doing something to kep my brain in the mojo vibe.

hope your day is crafty....I am heading out for a day of errand running.


On a roll

So I got one more page done. You ever have a container full of packages with just one thing let in them...well, this LO is pretty much an "empty the containers" project. It has been sitting on my desk for about 3 months unfinished, you know, it just needed a little bit of "something" I dug through my massive stash and found three packages that I could empty and toss from my pile. Of course, now I need to go and buy more of the Heidi ghost and fabric flowers!
I have a few projects for work I need to do and then I must run to work....and then run back here and pick up the kids to run them to their sports they are practicing on opposite sides of town....yeesh! Can't wait til school starts.
Be creative, be happy.


I was creative

I actually got a LO done yesterday and I even got a few more in the planning stages. Maybe I can get a little more done today with the lovely rain that decided to settle over us again.

Caroyln was so nice to take this picture of me with the CuttleBug and the CuttleKid at CHA. I wanted to make this LO with as many CuttleBug dies as possible. Now that it is done, I think if I used different colors and papers, it would make a nice wedding LO....hmmm future page kit.

Since Mother Nature seems to be giving me the go ahead to hang out in the house, I am going to get back to creating!! Have a creative day.